Livestock Preparedness

Preparation is the most important part of responding efficiently to a disaster. We strive to be as prepared as possible prior to a catastrophe. We all remember rolling our eyes in school when the fire alarm would go off because we all knew that it was just a drill. Without those drills, what would you have done? Drills prepare us to respond calmly, efficiently, and safely if a disaster strikes.

We are in the works of compiling the necessary innerworkings to be able to offer Livestock Preparedness training classes. These one day classes will teach people how to work with difficult animals, desensitize animals to the emergency responders and equipment, and test your current evacuation plans (or build them if you don’t have one).

If you are interested in helping us to efficiently evacuate when the threat of a disaster looms then please help us prepare. This information will only be used if there is a disaster in the region you are willing to assist with. There are many avenues that we plan for. These range from actual boots on the ground to keyboard warriors.

For all of these choices, your information will be compiled into a list by region.

For Local Evacuation Assistance, We will call on you when one of your neighbors asks us for help getting their animals out of the proverbial or literal line of fire. Typically, this consists of you hauling a trailer to an address we provide to you, loading the animals in perilous danger into the trailer, then delivering them to the nearest evacuation site (This is typically the nearest fairgrounds).

Specifying the Region or Area you are willing to volunteer is paramount for our efficiency. If you live in Clackamas County and are willing to help if there is a disaster in Lake County we need to know this. We waste precious minutes if we are asking people to travel further than they are willing to go.

City, State and Zip
This can be as small as a specific neighborhood or as broad as the entire Pacific Northwest.
Please choose as many or as few as you are willing to help with.

Thank you for being willing to be added to our volunteer list!

We pray we never need to call, but it is better to have the number and not need it than to need it and not have it!

Signing up on this form is NOT a commitment to help, it is simply a willingness to be added to a list to be called if your assistance is needed. You can always tell us that you can’t help if we call you.

YOUR DONATION helps our volunteers transport donations, purchase needed items, rebuilds lives, and restores dignity to human and animal survivors of disasters that have plagued our neighborhoods!

DROPPING OFF DEODORANT may seem miniscule to you, but when it is added to everything everyone else is doing we go from a stick of deodorant to a full trailer load! Every part is necessary!